Taraji P. Henson on her mental health crisis: I ‘wasn’t doing well’ |Pacific Updates


Taraji P. Henson is “in a good place.”  

But she wasn’t always. 

Henson, 52, isn’t a stranger to therapy and her resume for mental health advocacy proves it. In 2018, she launched the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation, named after her father who struggled with PTSD and bipolar disorder, to support services for those in need. The next year she spoke before Congress, shedding tears while discussing mental health issues impacting the Black community. In 2020 she told Entertainment Tonight she’d experienced suicidal ideation during the pandemic but became “much better” after talking it out.

But while speaking loudly about mental health awareness, the actress was silently building a brick wall that shattered her self-described “happy, bubbly” personality. 

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“I wasn’t doing well. Nothing could make me happy: jobs, things, stuff. I developed a shopping habit and nothing was fulfilling.” Henson says. “I was tightly wound. Every little thing would set me off, and I didn’t like who I was becoming.” 

Taraji P. Henson ‘didn’t want to come back’ to the U.S. after healing 

Henson recalls “spiraling out of control” during the pandemic. She’d lost friends to suicide and was feeling mentally overwhelmed. 
