Elsa Majimbo’s Unfiltered Comedy |Pacific Updates
[ad_1] In a short documentary by Julia Jansch, the Kenyan-born Internet comedian Elsa Majimbo exposes the harsh reality of being her authentic self. [ad_2]
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[ad_1] In a short documentary by Julia Jansch, the Kenyan-born Internet comedian Elsa Majimbo exposes the harsh reality of being her authentic self. [ad_2]
[ad_1] [speaking in Chinese] [Mother] Okay. [speaking in Chinese] [Mother] Okay. [speaking in Chinese] [child giggling] [static crackling] [child screaming indistinctly] [speaking in Chinese] [Father] You are the VIP. [speaking in Chinese] [Father] Okay, ready? 1. 2. 3. ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to Goh…
[ad_1] On Monday, in downtown Seattle, Sarah Pappin finished her shift at Starbucks and boarded a flight to the other Washington, chasing her boss of the past nine years. Howard Schultz, the founder and three-time C.E.O. of the coffee chain, was scheduled to testify before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and…
[ad_1] Moments after Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister, fired his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, on Sunday night, a message circulated on Israeli WhatsApp. “The dictatorship is here. We must not remain apathetic.” Each week for the past twelve weeks, Israelis of different backgrounds and persuasions had taken to the streets to protest against the government’s…
[ad_1] Hannah Saidiner uses a mix of animation and photography to document her parent becoming more himself. [ad_2]
[ad_1] Listen and subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google | Wherever You Listen Sign up to receive our weekly newsletter of the best New Yorker podcasts. It’s the end of a week in which former President Donald Trump said that he would be indicted by the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, for a hundred-and-thirty-thousand-dollar hush-money…
[ad_1] And why bother? By the nineteen-thirties, the fantasy of technological supremacy had found its fullest expression in the Technocracy movement, which, during the Depression, vied with socialism and fascism as an alternative to capitalism and liberal democracy. “Technocracy, briefly stated, is the application of science to the social order,” a pamphlet called “Technocracy in…
[ad_1] Souid told me that she’d never heard of Alp or Brero. But by the end of 2017 she had begun to feel that someone was following her: a car appeared repeatedly outside her apartment. And in 2018 a burglar stole some of her jewelry but also her old cell phone, her computer, and some…
[ad_1] Seven years ago, during the Republican Presidential primary, Donald Trump appeared onstage at Dordt University, a Christian institution in Iowa, and made a confession of faith. “I’m a true believer,” he said, and he conducted an impromptu poll. “Is everybody a true believer, in this room?” He was scarcely the first Presidential candidate to…
[ad_1] “Music is so ingrained in us it’s almost more primitive than language,” Sulzer told me. An old man with Alzheimer’s might hear a Tin Pan Alley tune and suddenly recall his daughter’s name. A young woman with Parkinson’s will stand frozen on a stair, unable to move her legs, but if she hums a…