When you hear about robot vacuums, Roomba is probably the first one that comes to mind. And for good reason: Roomba claims more spots on our list of the best robot vacuums for 2023 than any other brand. Right now, you’ve got a chance to get your hands on one at a discount. Amazon currently has the Roomba J6 Plus on sale for $200 off, which drops the price down to $600. With no set expiration on this deal, so you may want to place your order sooner rather than later.
The Roomba J6 Plus can help you take vacuuming off your weekend to-do list for good, and is a great option if you’ve got pets who are heavy shedders. It’s equipped with multisurface rubber brushes that are designed to sweep up pet hair without getting tangled, as well as intelligent navigation that helps it avoid obstacles, charging cords and pet waste to prevent a “poopocalypse.”
It also generates a map of your home while it cleans, which allows you to set custom “keep out” zones, and create a schedule to take care of certain rooms at set times. Plus, it comes with a base station so that it can recharge and empty its waste, allowing it to run totally autonomously for up to 60 days at a time, so you don’t have to worry about constant maintenance.
Or, if you’re looking for a different model, you can check out our roundup of all the best robot vacuum deals for even more bargains.