How to make coffee without a coffee maker: Tips for home brewing |Pacific Updates


It’s well into the morning, you’ve got a pile of to-dos and your head is beginning to pound as you try to stay awake at your desk. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

But what happens if you don’t have a state-of-the-art coffee maker? What if your beloved Keurig is broken? What if you’re stuck at home with no way of zipping to a coffee shop?

Whether you’re in desperation mode or you’re looking for techniques to up your brewing game, here’s your guide to at-home coffee making to keep those caffeine withdrawals at bay. 

Your morning cup of coffee doesn't have to drain your wallet – here's how to make coffee at home.

How to make coffee without a coffee maker

If you’re in a pinch and lack a coffee machine and a grinder, you can try making what’s called “cowboy coffee,” says Alex Kaplan, head of coffee product at coffee company Cometeer. This might not be the tastiest cup of joe, but it’ll certainly get the job done. 
