Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor at 93: ‘Mom’s still there’ |Pacific Updates


Like many people living with Alzheimer’s, former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has good days and bad.

Now 93, she likes having her hair and nails done, eating See’s chocolates and listening to music. 

“On the good days, she can get a laugh out of us,” says her oldest son, Scott O’Connor. “She’ll say some quip and crack us up. On those days, Mom’s still there.”

I talked with Scott and his mother’s lifelong friend Gay Firestone Wray at the O’Connor House in Tempe, Arizona. The adobe brick house where Sandra Day O’Connor and her husband, John, raised three sons has been reassembled piece by piece and is now used for gatherings to foster consensus, meant as a Camp David of the Southwest.

O’Connor has been retired both from the court and from public life for years now, so I didn’t see her this year, but I have interviewed her in the past. Back then, I wasn’t the only one who got to talk to her.


