From astrological signs to flowers, there are many identifiers for someone’s birth month. But there is none quite as beautiful or valuable as the birthstone.
Each month has its own gemstone which represents those born in it. Some months even have more than one birthstone. Whether you are a gem enthusiast or simply curious, here are the birthstones by month, according to the Geological Institute of America:
January birthstone
The birthstone for January is garnet. This gem is commonly known in its red form, but garnet comes in many colors, such as green, purple and yellow.
Wearing garnet is said to bring good health, wealth and happiness.
February birthstone
Amethyst is the birthstone for February. This gem comes from a purple variety of quartz and can be found in many shapes and sizes.
This stone is seen as a symbol of personal empowerment and inner strength.
March birthstone
There are two birthstones for March: aquamarine and bloodstone.
Aquamarine ranges from pale blue to light green in color, similar to the ocean, hence its name. This gem symbolizes “purity of spirit and soul.”
Bloodstone is often dark green in color with splotches of red hematite, which is fitting for its name. This stone is said to bring strength and health to those who wear it.

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April birthstone
Diamonds are those born in April’s best friend. This well-known gem is the birthstone for the month. Most diamonds come with no color, but there are colored diamonds, such as the famous Hope diamond.
The diamond is seen as a symbol of clarity and strength.
May birthstone
Emerald is the birthstone for May. This gem comes in a range of vibrant green to green-blue hues.
If you wear emerald, it is believed to make you more intelligent and quick-witted.

June birthstone
Those born in June have many options to choose from since this month has three birthstones: pearl, alexandrite and moonstone.
Pearls are often white or cream but can come in other colors. Natural pearls are produced by mollusks. These animals form the gem as a natural defense against irritants, such as a parasite or grains of sand, from entering their shell. Pearls are associated with purity, humility and innocence.

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Alexandrite comes from a rare variety of mineral that changes color depending on lighting. This gem can appear green or blue in daylight or fluorescent light. In incandescent light, it can appear red or purple. Alexandrite often represents luck and prosperity.

Moonstone is well-known for its adularescence, or optical phenomenon that gives the gemstone a special glow. The finest moonstones will be colorless, or white, with a sheen of blue. Moonstone symbolizes love, passion and fertility.

July birthstone
July’s birthstone is ruby. This gem gets its name from the Latin word “ruber,” which means red. This is fitting since rubies are known for their red color.
Rubies are often associated with wisdom, wealth and success in love.
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August birthstone
Peridot, spinel and sardonyx are the birthstones for August.
Peridot is a yellow-green gemstone. In the past, it was confused with other gems, such as topaz and emerald. The gemstone is often associated with prosperity and good fortune.

Spinel comes in a wide range of colors, including red, pink, orange, purple, blue and green. As a result, the symbolism of this gemstone depends on its color. For instance, red spinel is associated with passion and devotion.

Sardonyx is a combination of minerals sard and onyx, which together form a reddish-brown or orange stone with bands of white or black. This birthstone is associated with courage and happiness.

September birthstone
Sapphire is September’s birthstone. This gem comes in many different colors, but it is commonly known for its blue variety.
This stone is commonly associated with royalty and romance and is believed to symbolize fidelity and the soul.
October birthstone
October has two birthstones: opal and tourmaline.
Opal is the traditional birthstone for October. This gemstone is well-known for its “play-of-color,” or ability to shift color. Opals often have a kaleidoscope of colors on their surface. This birthstone symbolizes purity, hope and truth.
Tourmaline is the modern birthstone for October. It has many different varieties, including pink, red, green, blue and violet. This is fitting since tourmaline’s name derives from the Sinhalese word “toramalli,” which means “stone with mixed colors.” Tourmaline represents wisdom, insight and creativity.

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November birthstone
Topaz and citrine are the two birthstones of November.
Topaz comes in a diverse array of hues, including blue, yellow, orange, pink, violet, red and brown. It is well-known for its yellow and blue variety. The birthstone is believed to symbolize love, wealth and health.
Citrine is a type of transparent yellow to brownish orange quartz. It is seen as a “success stone” and is associated with prosperity.

December birthstone
December has three birthstones: tanzanite, turquoise or zircon. All of which have a blue variety.
Turquoise ranges from blue to green in color. Wearing it is believed to be beneficial for bringing good health and good fortune.

Tanzanite was discovered in the 20th century. This gemstone can be blue and violet, with its blue variety being considered the most valuable. It symbolizes intuition and purity.

Zircon is the more diverse of the three December birthstones since it comes in a broader range of colors, including red, orange, yellow, brown, green and blue. It is seen as a protective stone and is said to bring wisdom, success, honor and wealth.
